Sunday, July 06, 2003

Putting the "fun" in Dysfunctional

We had a family get-together today at Sharon Woods Park in Cincinnati, Ohio USA:

It was the first time I'd seen some of my family is several years. Isn't it funny how, as adults, we don't change much, but you really see that so much time has passed through how much the children have grown.

I have one cousin who is a couple years younger than my sister Mandy. She's now a mother herself at 21 years old. I remember her as a little child! I saw other second cousins who are teenagers now. The last time I saw them was when they were Keisha's age about ten years ago. Mercy.

My Mom had a great time, and I'm sure she'll blog about it soon. During her conversations with others from the family, she received confirmation that the "Kiss Cam" Parole Violator is indeed my second cousin, David Horton.

Mom has often said that our family puts the "fun" in dysfunctional. I bet you could probably say that about yours, too.

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