Sunday, July 27, 2003

Long-distance Contact

Background: A friend and brother in Christ from our church here in Dayton is in the Air Force. He has been on a three-month training stint in Biloxi, Mississippi, away from his wife, whom I'll abbreviate as "R.", daughter, whom I'll abbreviate as "K.", and other close friends. He emailed this update:

I would like to apologize for not keeping in touch lately, in my life right now I have grown quite selfish and very unloving, letting my emotions take control, and not looking where I needed to look for peace. I really am struggling with my pride right now and allowing my hurt to control my life.

I am officially half way done. My last two scores for my block tests have been a 90 and 92. I had hoped that they would be higher but I will be grateful for
what I got for scores. I have to realize that if I tried my best that it should be good enough. The next block is all about operating systems of Windows, ah
back to something that I know about really well. I am excited and trying not to get complacent.

R. is coming down starting on Thursday, it will be a nice change of the routine of loneliness. She will be down here until Monday morning. School shopping
for K. will be interesting, I can't wait to hear what she thinks of R. and my taste. Usually she is a part of the decision making process, but this year will be different. I keep telling her think of it like Christmas, in the immortal words of forest gump "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your goin get." Only difference, exchange the word life and put clothes.

I have taken a week of running off, not by choice though. My ankle has been given me some trouble. I have been off for a week, I am going to give it a try

People ask how I can still lose weight, I tell them. Eat the chow hall food. It is a great diuretic. Kinda makes you not want to eat. I look forward to the weekends, that is when I treat myself to some fast food. I think I am getting kinda sick and tired of Anthony's Pizza, Popeye's chicken, A & W, and Robin
Hood though.

I don't know how people can last one year on a remote, I have only been gone for 1.5 months and I am going nuts due to the constant routine.

That is about it. I hope to hear from you soon

Take care and God bless
Proverbs 14:30

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