When Should Your Child Stay Home?
The nurses at Keisha's preschool gave us this information at the Open House. Some of it is self-explanatory, but some of it might not be.
If your child has any of the following symptoms he/she should be kept at home and the teacher notified of the reason for the absence.
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea (one or more loose stools in a 24-hour period)
- Unexplained rash
- Red, watery or draining eyes
- Open sores, especially around the nose or mouth
- Bugs or eggs in the hair
- Earache or ear drainage
- Yellow or green drainage from the nose
- More than an occasional cough
- Wheezing/difficulty breathing
- Unable to eat or drink a regular diet
If your child is not interested in playing and eating and wants to lie down, he/she should be watched and the child's temperature checked. Do not send the child to school if you give a fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol.
Question for you, gentle reader: what is it about the symptoms above that makes them important enough to warrant keeping a child home from school?