Thursday, March 07, 2002

Rolling for Groceries

This past Sunday afternoon, I did something I never have done before. I went to Kroger to get some stuff for lunch, and as I walked in the store, I saw a wheelchair next to all the carts. My feet were a bit sore, so I thought, why not? I climbed into the wheelchair and put the basket to hold my groceries down and started off:

Honestly, it felt a little weird. It was so different, going around the store in the wheelchair. For one thing, I had to use my arms to move the wheels. It was also a bit strange as I interacted with other people, especially when they or I had to move out of the way to get where we were going. I was very tempted to ask for sympathy, but I didn't, thankfully.

When I finally paid for my groceries, I wheeled myself out of the store, into the parking lot, and up to my car. Then I got out of the wheelchair and walked it to where the other shopping carts were.

I was glad for the experience because I can better empathize with others who use wheelchairs.

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