Monday, July 19, 2004

Bicycle, Bicycle

My wife is awesome!

This afternoon Jennie and I rode our new bikes to the library, grocery store and back. It's been about 10 years since I'd been riding a bike consistently, but it's been about 20 for Jennie:

I've heard it said that you never forget how to ride a bike once you learn (I finally learned how to ride a bike on my own when I was 8 years old, by the way.). To a large extent, that's true. The thing that is forgotten over the years is the tendency to be as bold. Jennie and I both are showing some hesitation as we get used to our new bikes.

We were getting ready to go down a hill on this residential street, and Jennie got up the courage to pedal down. She's been really wary of going to fast and not being in control of the bike (braking, steering, shifting gears simultaneously). She got to one point, and, in trying to slow down and stop, she crashed.

A car parked on the side of the road helped brake her fall. She's probably bruised part of her left inner thigh, and she has about an inch and a half area of her knee scraped off.

Still, I'm very proud of Jennie for going the distance today. My wife is awesome!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm glad Jennie wasn't hurt badly in the crash and I sure hope your bodies aren't totally sore today after being so long since you wrode bikes. Take care!! *hugs*

P.S. Cute joke too!