Saturday, July 10, 2004

And Now For Something Completely Different

You might think this is crude, but, since it's my journal, I'll go ahead and say it anyway...

Eating a more healthy diet has meant that our family has more gas. It's one of those things that happens with eating more fruits and vegetables.

Of course, when the gas needs to come out, the social norm is such that it should be done discreetly and in private. Unfortunately, sometimes this doesn't happen; in some cases, it's impossible.

As part of the grill team at work, I'm in close proximity to three other people for practically my entire shift. Working in fast food has a number of stress-creating situations, and tempers, emotions, attitudes can flare up easily.

I've tried to interject humor here and there, as much as possible. I tell corny jokes, parody the popular songs played on the stereo system, and so forth.

I think that one of these times I should just let go with a big, loud fart. Naturally, it will alarm my coworkers. Who knows? It might even cause a customer, hearing it from the front counter (about 50 feet away from the grill area), to reply, "I don't want HIM working around my food!!"

Just a thought. Now back to regular programming...

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