Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Happy New Year!

Today is New Year's Day 2003. Here's how my day went:

I stayed up until 3 AM listening to the TV while doing some work on the computer. I've been redesigning the layout for this blog. In December 2002 I had decorated it with green and red - the colors of Christmas, but with the new year, I needed to change the colors and the layout.

I woke up late today, naturally, at about 11:30 AM. Before heading to bed I took my Anafranil, so I wasn't surprised when I fell asleep later today.

This afternoon I read a devotional from my Men's Devotional Bible about God and my work. The Bible says in Genesis that God created... and he saw that what he had made was good. Hence to work is very godly and good, since God is good. And just as God enjoyed his work, I can enjoy my work. Also, there is a consistent expectation in the Scriptures that we work. Nehemiah was a great example of someone with a great work ethic. In addition, the apostle Paul and his companions were fine examples of diligence. Paul even urges us not to be idle but rather to work.

Also this afternon I was sitting at the dining room table, having finished two slices of leftover sausage pizza and a glass of water. I've begun reading a book I received for Christmas entitled Leaving a Trace by Alexandra Johnson. Actually, I'm currently reading several books. I'm more than halfway through with a book about overcoming self-injury called Cutting. I'm also reading R.A. Salvatore's book Attack of the Clones, which is the novelization of the second Star Wars episode. In addition, I've begun reading a book called The Memory Bible, but I forget the author's name (LOL!). Finally, I've started reading through a book containing journals from Rachel Scott, one of the students killed at Columbine High School in April 1999 for her faith.

So, I have some reading to keep me busy.

I've also gotten a pocket-size notebook to put quotations in when I'm not near a computer. I then plan to add them to my QuotesBlog.

Okay then, Day 1 of 2003 is almost over. Onto Day 2.

December 2004 Update: Added links for the books.

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