Monday, January 13, 2003

'Alias' Blew Me Away

Last night's episode blew... me... away! Jennie and I were both taken: hook, line, and sinker. I love the way the writers just add these plot twists here and there. That's definitely why I keep watching. I hesitate in continuing because I do not want to spoil it for those that haven't seen this episode. Ok, here goes:

Without being too specific, I was pleased in how the investigation into Sloane's wife's disappearance turned out. It was also good to see Vaughn and Sydney having some time together in a "quasi" romantic moment. In addition, I was further pleased at the cooperation and general pleasantness between Jack and Irina. I secretly (well, maybe not secretly now) hope that those two can work things out to get back together. I have no idea how it could work, though.

I also believe that the way the "quasi" romantic moment between Sydney and Vaughn was handled in a very realistic way; i.e., it was more believable.

There. I hope that I have fully confused some. I just had to get it out.

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