Monday, May 26, 2003

Blogger Template Woes: Strange AND Confusing

Last week, I changed the template for this blog. As you may recall, I had to completely redo it. This meant rerunning it through the Blogmatrix Template Rewriter again. Once I did all of this, I noticed, after a few days, that the RSS feeds were not being generated/updated. I've realized that I had added some formatting to the metadata tags that the Template Rewriter added, and this formatting may be what is causing the problems with the RSS feed.

So last night I removed the extra formatting and republished the blog. I just returned to the template HTML that is stored on Blogger, only to find that the previous template -- with the old layout -- is present!

Fortunately, I saved a copy of my new template in case I needed to revise it or, in this case republish it. But, when I copy, paste, save, republish, and return to check it, guess what? The old template is still there! It's as though Blogger is not saving my changes.

Update: Maybe the recent hardware failure is to blame.

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