Friday, January 28, 2005

Tender Fingertips

Last night while I was waiting for dinner to cook and Keisha did her homework and a book report, I pulled out my guitar.

I'm getting really good at "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd and "Hurt" by Johnny Cash. I learned how to play those songs via

I was playing so hard that the fingertips on my left hand are so sore. These fingers press down on the steel strings.

Especially the pinky finger. Most of the chords for both songs require the pinky finger to press on the third fret of the first string (G). For example, during the chorus of "Hurt", every chord requires that high G.

I'm actually beginning to sing some of it along with playing the guitar. It's like learning to rub your belly and tap your head.

I enjoy it so much that I can forego the tender fingertips (that could be a song title?). They will become calloused soon.

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