Saturday, January 08, 2005

How Not to Earn Money

Mood: Upbeat
Listening to: Sounds at the library
Reading: check out my list at Dan's Domain
Eating: cereal for an early dinner
Watching: a lot of DVDs we checked out from the library

On Thursday night Keisha emerged from her bathroom, holding the top tooth that used to occupy the space just to the right of her two front teeth. Jennie and I didn't realize that she'd had any real loose teeth. Keisha had me "call the Tooth Fairy" before she put it under her pillow and went to sleep. When she awoke Friday morning, she discovered that the Tooth Fairy left her five dimes (50 cents).

She was encouraged. Maybe too encouraged, because later Friday afternoon, she again emerged from her bathroom, holding the tooth just to the left of her two front teeth. Jennie and I didn't think that this one was loose at all. Jennie scolded Keisha for pulling out her tooth.

They came to pick me up from work, and I asked Keisha why she pulled out another tooth. She said, "Because I wanted more money from the Tooth Fairy." I could tell she regretted what she did, probably more from our response than from her own genuine remorse.

Nevertheless, later Friday night I called the Tooth Fairy again, and she woke up this morning with some more money.

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