Monday, February 28, 2005

Toilet Paper Trouble

I just spent the last twenty minutes in the men's room, mostly because the stall I was in had no toilet paper:

I found myself looking for the right moment to relocate to the adjacent stall without being caught by another coworker. When I did, I was surprised to see that, not only was it not out of toilet paper, but it had an extra loose roll!

After I had finished my business, I placed the loose roll of TP in the stall that had none. I wouldn't wish my situation on anyone, especially considering how much I, um, needed the TP.


Karen said...

ROFL!!! Only takes once to learn that lesson! I always look before I get into the stall to make sure there's some TP in there. Can you spare a square?!

Daniel said...

I think at that moment I needed all the TP I could find, if you know what I mean.