Monday, August 02, 2004

What Parents Need to Know About Bedwetting

Also from KidsHealth:

Every night across America, 5 to 7 million children are turning off the lights, going to sleep, and wetting their beds.

The medical name for bedwetting is enuresis - "the involuntary voiding of urine beyond the age of anticipated control" - and it's a common condition in children. It's also a very stressful one for parents and children alike. For the child wetting the bed, it's often a major embarrassment. For parents, there may be a mixture of annoyance and sometimes a little anger. They wonder if bedwetting is done on purpose or because of laziness. Read more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We read your blog posting, and would like to help. We work with the Enuresis Treatment Center. For 32 years, the Enuresis Treatment Center has successfully treated thousands of people from around the world who thought there was no hope for ending bedwetting. Bedwetting, or enuresis, is actually caused by deep sleep, not to be mistaken for healthy sleep. This deep sleep causes a disconnect between the brain and bladder, and the bedwetting occurs as a result. Very rarely does one outgrow bedwetting, and if they do, they are left with a sleep disorder that can manifest into other forms, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, etc.
The Enuresis Treatment Center has put together an informative guide to understanding and treating bedwetting. This free bedwetting guide is available to download at