Saturday, August 21, 2004

Inside Jokes

... are those kinds in which only a select few understand and appreciate the humor. I remember once, while on summer vacation, the phrase, "I'll just have an orange" was humorous to my dad and other adults.

Jennie was just reading a picture book to Keisha, and she just started laughing at the following phrase:

fuzzy monkey
This is the part where I might explain the humor, but because this is a G-rated blog, I'll pass.

This all makes me wonder, what are some inside jokes you know? Not that you have to explain them per se, but feel free to share.


Karen said...

LOL! Fuzzy monkey made me laugh... and my mind went there, so we'll keep it clean. My brain is fried from studying all day, can't think of any but I know I've got some.

Hope you're having a great weekend! *hugs*

Daniel said...

The English language is so rich with double entendres (hey, that's French!); i.e., words that can have a variety of connotations. I'm reminded of the party game I've often seen on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" called "...If You Know What I Mean".

When you end anything you say with that phrase, it almost instantly becomes a double entendre, um, if you know what I mean.