Thursday, August 26, 2004

Happy Birthday, Dad!

My Dad, Daniel Johnson, Sr., turns 55 today! Happy birthday!

Growing up, whenever I'd give him his birthday card, I'd write "Big " where was how old he was at that birthday. I would do it to tease him a bit about how old he was getting. I myself am now older than he was when I did that to him.

I remember one Christmas, maybe four or five years ago, I gave him a plaque that included some thoughts I had. In it I expressed my gratitude to God for giving me my Dad.

I'm glad that I have my Dad's name. It's one of the many ways I see that he and I are alike.


Deborah Kaye said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad (even a little late)!

I have a poem that I cross-stitched for my dad before he passed away.

having your special love to turn to
time and time again
meansmore than words can say

Your help, patience, and understanding
have guided me all the way

But more than all else, dad,
your faith in me
is a wonderful gift of strength
and purpose
that will last me all my days.

eliquis 5 said...

Thank you very much for the contribution.
It has been very useful, I was looking for something similar,greetings and thanks.