Monday, December 29, 2003

Me Update: Week 2

Our home PC is still sick. I checked out a book from the library, and it appears that I may actually need a new motherboard. That may be the easiest thing to replace. Alas, for now I must resort to the library computers for email, blogging, and the like.

As I mentioned last week, it's not all a bad thing. I've been getting better with the guitar and spending time with Keisha, since she's on her Christmas break now, too.

It's also helpful to me because when I come to the library computers, I have focus on what I'm going to do, instead of some random time spent surfing the 'net and such. I'm not saying that such activity is bad, but I am saying that it can be a bad thing to do that every day for hours at a time.

Mom's hanging in there. I found out that she got to hear from all of her kids over Christmas. My younger sister, who hadn't talked to her in several months, spent a little bit of time with her.

Mom's car, "Maxine", is showing her age. She's a 1983 Nissan Maxima. She needs, among other things:

new brakes
spare tire
right hand windshield wiper
new muffler system
tune up

and probably some other things that I cannot think of right now.

Jennie and I are just glad to have some transportation. We'll need to get some serious work done before Mom hands over the title next May.

Combining this with my lack of work over the last month, and I can think of many other things to be anxious about. I'm very glad that Jennie has been able to pick up some extra hours at work.

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