Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Journey Inside My Mind: The Continuing Saga

Jennie and I went to the Job Center this afternoon to discuss our insurance stuff with our caseworker. She set us up to have MedicAid for this month and CareSource for next month. We stopped by the pharmacy afterward because I had prescriptions from last week to fill.

Unfortunately, the billing stuff has not been set up yet with MedicAid. So I will have to contact our caseworker tomorrow to see what's going on, and then contact the pharmacy to verify that the insurance will go through, before going back to get my medicines.

In other news, I slept from 11 PM last night until 12:30 PM this afternoon. I had some very interesting dreams, which I don't have time to mention right now. Let me just say that it confirms what this blog's tagline says: "My dreams are weirder than yours."

That's only because I think my dreams are weird. Yours may be, too. I think mine are weirder. So there.

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