Friday, December 26, 2003

Me Update: In Brief

Home PC not working. Some type of prob with PCI Ethernet Controller. I do not know how to fix it. Alas, I have to check emails and surf the 'net at the library. Not all a bad thing, since I've been spending more time away from the computer.

Been practicing the guitar, learning chords and strumming. I'm going through a couple of books I got from the library. Left fingertips are sore.

Been watching a lot of movies with the time off. Go to to see what they are about, if you're interested.
Sum of All Fears
The Powerpuff Girls
Royal Tennenbaums
Panic Room

Also going through some books related to mystery writing. I need to do more offline journaling, especially my crime site ideas. At night the imagination goes wild sometimes!

Christmas Eve we went to my aunt and uncle's in Cincinnati. Ate dinner and saw some other relatives. Spoke with a cousin who is in prison by phone. Uncle took some digital pics of us and printed out copies for us to take back home.

Jennie worked on Christmas. We opened presents in a rush, right before she went to work. We left the wrapping all over the living room floor for a few hours so that we could just enjoy the presents and relax.

Keisha fell asleep on our bed yesterday. It was a great idea because Jake and I took a nap too.

I also set up the bed frame -- our box spring and mattress have been on the floor since we moved in October. Now our bed is higher. I forgot about that this morning when I got out of bed and almost fell on the floor!

Jennie got me some silk pajamas and a silk robe. The design makes me think of Austin Powers (yeah, baby, yeah!). My wife is glad that I got my mojo on.

Also, she got me a shaving kit with gel, face wash, after shave, etc. I took the hint and shaved off my beard and moustache last night.

We ate Christmas ham I'd gotten from work, with macaroni and cheese, brussel sprouts, beets, and candied yams. I forsook the beets and yams in lieu of the brussel sprouts. A beer to wash it all down was good, too.

I'll probably blog about Keisha's presents at another time: keyboard and kid karaoke machine. How long do those batteries last?

That's all for now.

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