Friday, November 07, 2003

An Overnight Visit From the Repo Man

As Jennie left the apartment to go to work this morning, she discovered that our car was missing! We contacted our insurance company, who, by the way, told us that our insurance had been cancelled. Yet they started a claim for us.

We contacted the police department, and they told us our car had been repossessed. So Jennie is staying home from work today while we figure out what we're going to do. We've already contacted the creditor and left a message with their "reinstatement" department. So, now it's our turn to wait for the return phone call.

This is a good exercise and overall lesson for us. I can see that.

To deal with the emotional stress of this situation, I have reopened some existing scabs, and I realized that it's been my typical method of dealing with it. I either try to avoid the stressful situations altogether, or I deal with it by creating physical pain. The physical pain is something I'm better at controlling than the emotional pain.

I'm glad that I'm realizing this. I'm also glad that Jennie is here so that we can work together as a team. One thing we've realized is that communication is a weakness in our marriage; there have been a lot of assumptions and expectations that have been unrealistic or, better yet, not made known.

I pray to realize the strength and power I have to deal with the emotional stress in a constructive manner. I pray to be able to communicate my thoughts and feelings openly, constructively.

I'm also grateful for the medication and therapy. I can tell I've been very distracted this morning, and it's helpful not only to realize this, but also to have someone else around to help reign me in.

Please keep praying for us!

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