Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Long-distance Hello

I got an email from a good friend and brother in Christ, also in the Air Force and stationed at the local Air Force base. He is spending the next three months away from his wife and daughter, at school in Biloxi, Mississippi. He writes:

Hello all,

It is 1:27 in the morning and I thought I would take a few moments from studying so that I can let everyone know how I am doing.

Well, first the trip down. I never saw so many law enforcement vehicles in a while. 15 just outside the Kentucky Speedway alone. The trip was fine after I got lost in Nashville. Rained almost the entire state of Alabama. I saw a semi in the ditch with entire load of Mercedes. Not one came off the truck.

School the first couple of days have been a trial. Mainly due to not being in a class room enviroment in about 5 years. However, the info so far has been easy but a ton at one time. I had 3 quizzes today alone. Got 90 on all 3 so I was satified with that. A ton of data to absorb in a short amount of time.

Have a couple of briefings in the morning and am getting a mailing address tomorrow if possible, once I have it I will e-mail it or just ask R. for it, she will get it first.

Well, going to sign off for now.

Take care and love you all.


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