Friday, December 09, 2005


Mood: ill
Listening to: "That's So Raven" on the Disney Channel
Eating: nothing yet

Not just because schools were closed today, but more because I have a stuffy head and feel lethargic and ache, I've stayed home today from work:

I also would have had to clear the snow and ice off our car and brave the roadways from Colerain Township to Vandalia, Ohio.

Shortly after I called work, I went back to bed. Then next thing I know, it's 2:30. Now it's after 3. Sure, I probably needed the sleep, but man - that's along time.

I havent' eaten anything, and I feel mildly hungry. The stuffiness in my head is still present, and I've got a persistent cough.

Been taking some heavy doses of Vitamin C. Also took some Selenium, Garlic, green tea, multivitamin.

The problem is that I can only stay in bed for so long. Gravity starts pulling on my body, and it's begun to ache. One can only turn/change position for so long.

I'm not usually cold in our apartment, but I'm freezing right now, even with sweatpants and a wool sweatshirt. Jennie says it is cold in our apartment, though.

She's put some hot water on for some soup, which will be good.

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