Sunday, December 11, 2005

I found the NyQuil

After a long bout of painful chest coughing up phelgm (I know, doesn't that just sound so good?), I discovered we had some generic NyQuil.

I took some, and it felt so good going down. My throat had gotten irritated from all the heavy coughing, you see.

I'm going to load up the iRiver with some nightly tunes and head back to bed.

I do feel it my duty to inform you that I caught Zoe the cat on the dinner table a few minutes ago. I was laying in bed, trying to go back to sleep when I heard some meowing, as though Zoe was outside or stuck or something.

I decided to get up to see if maybe she needed water. As I got into the dining room, I saw her near some leftover marshmallow snacks Keisha had left out. One word from my mouth and Zoe was gone, probably under our bed no doubt.

I felt very close to giving her a good reason to meow by putting her outside. Fortunately, I'm too tired and don't really care that much about it now to do anything.

I threw the leftover snacks away and leaned the dining table chairs up against the table so that she'd have more difficulty getting up there if she wanted to again.

Having the iRiver will help me not be distracted by any meowings, too.

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