Monday, October 17, 2005


Mood: hanging in there
Listening to: Lynn Parsons Podcast from 10/07/2005
Eating: ate lunch at Dynasty Buffet near home
Watching: saw Pushing Tin

I stayed home from work today, and here's why:

When I went to bed on Saturday night, I had trouble relaxing. When I awoke yesterday morning, my lower back was stiff. Even though I've had a heating pad on it, the muscle pain has not subsided.

I've got a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10 AM. This appointment is the first one for a doctor since we've been back in Cincinnati, so I'll have all the new patient stuff to go through. Better plan on getting there at 9:30 AM.

I've spent most of the day on the couch with the heating pad. I was watching E!, and they had a program about Gilligan's Island on today. After that, I saw the movie "Pushing Tin", even though I'd been falling asleep prior to that.

Afterward, Jennie and I went to lunch at Dynasty Buffet. Until today, that had been our favorite Chinese restaurant, mainly because of the grill. It seems, however, that they've changed things around with respect to how the grill operates. You used to be able to select the sauces you wanted - combo, garlic, hot, soy. Now the grill master does all the sauces for you.

When we'd finished eating, we came back home. Now Keisha is home, doing her homework, and I'm feeling very sleepy.

I've got some fun stuff on tap for the next podcast, which I hope to record in the next couple days.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

How about a smooch from your Mom to make it feel better!