Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Official Canuck Signs Off

Just as when a good friend says goodbye in person, so I feel pangs knowing that a great friend in the blogosphere for the past three years has decided to stop blogging:

I first "met" the blogger, who for personal reasons, has used the pseudonym "Bene Diction", three years ago, when this blog was originally included among the first "blogs4God". Bene Diction was a moderator for the Zines category, and would often check in, leave a comment, or refer back to my QuotesBlog.

Since that time, Bene Diction became the Official Canuck of Journey Inside My Mind, and we'd keep in touch.

It's sad to say goodbye, so I'd rather say "good journey". And I hope and look forward to seeing you in person on the other side.

Bene Diction Blogs On: The Last Post


Margaret said...

from the official Mom to the official Canuck- good journey!

Anonymous said...


I don't know if I can ever convey how welcome you helped me feel in this blogosphere when I became your official Canuck.
I spent a summer in Ohio and loved it.
Thank you for all you gave me.
Blog on!

Warm regards,

Bene D