Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blood Supply Nears Empty in Southeast Michigan...

If you live in Southeastern Michigan and can donate blood, the American Red Cross desperately needs you to roll up your sleeve and donate:

The American Red Cross Blood Services of Southeastern Michigan has declared a state of blood emergency. The community blood supply is extremely low. Currently, there is less than a 2-hour supply of critical blood types. If blood supplies do not immediately increase, accident victims and other critically injured patients will be at risk for not having the blood they require to survive. "We are nearing the point when area hospitals may find it necessary to cancel some surgeries," says Diane Ward, chief executive officer of the Blood Service Region.

Ward goes on to explain the importance of continually replenishing the blood supply through voluntary donations. "We are fortunate to have three large Level One Trauma Centers here in southeast Michigan. The availability of blood is critical to the patients they serve. In a recent weekend one emergency room alone used several pints of blood. A young woman suffering a sickle cell episode, a young mother giving birth who hemorrhaged profusely and a fellow who was in an auto -- motorcycle accident suffered a ruptured spleen and torn liver. Each of these patients required several units of blood immediately to stabilize their conditions. Similar incidents occur daily in the five counties we serve and reinforce the need to continually replace the blood supply."

Preparedness is key. Blood must be on the shelf, ready and available for everyday medical care, personal emergencies and large-scale, man-made or natural disasters. The solution to community preparedness is regular blood donations.

Every eligible individual is urged to call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE now and make an appointment to give blood, if not for themselves, then for their friends, their loved ones or their neighbors.


The American Red Cross Blood Services of Southeastern Michigan asks all who are eligible in the community to roll up their sleeves and donate now. Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE to make an appointment today. If you have not donated before, now is the time do so. The Red Cross has added hours to their normal donor center times to accommodate your donation.

To donate blood, donors must be in general good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and be 17 years of age or older. Please make a blood donation appointment today, call 1-800-GIVE LIFE.
You can also point your browser to 1-800-GIVE-LIFE

Source: Blood Supply Nears Empty in Southeast Michigan...

1 comment:

jiny said...

It's really unfortunate that the Michigan state has shortage of blood in it's blood banks. Human body can easily generate blood after any loss due to injury or any other reasons. But blood can be very useful for persons who have lost blood due to an injury. So I plead that all of the healthy young citizens should donate blood which shall help to save someone's life.

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