Monday, July 11, 2005

Benchmarking My Company's President

The president of our company mentioned during our staff meeting today that he has a special tradition for his daughters' birthdays:

He was describing his experiences with a particular store as a way of illustrating the concept of benchmarking for us employees. Benchmarking means to study something you want to do well that somebody else does well. In business, companies benchmark each other to become better. They want to emulate their benchmark.

It was his tradition, however, that struck home with me the most. He buys his daughters birthday dresses for their birthdays. He contacts this dress store about a month before each of his daughters' birthdays. He asks them to set out a few dresses in his daughter's size for him to choose.

His wife doesn't pick out the dresses; he does. It's something special that he does for his daughters.

I was blown away by this.

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