Saturday, April 16, 2005

On This Day I Complete My 35th Year

First, Some Small Print

Mood: elated
Listening to: Other people on the PCs (at the library)
Reading: VB 6: Object-oriented programming
Eating: leftover cheeseburger pizza
Watching: nothing in particular

Today is My Birthday

I was born 0416 in 1970. My mom has a lot to say about what that day meant to her.

Here's a letter I just wrote to God:

Dear God,

I've heard of teenagers who have decided to have abortions, yet I am so grateful that my Mom and Dad decided to let me be born. I know that my wife and daughter are, too! As are so many others, too numerous to count.

I am struck by how many lives one person can touch. It's truly amazing and inspiring, almost to much to take in.

Before I was born, you knitted me together inside my Mom. While I was hidden inside, your eyes saw me and took care of me. I praise you because truly I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

You have been with me throughout my entire life, and, now that I've chosen to live for you, my life continues to be even more wonderful.

One of these days I will pass away and be with you, but until then, let me continue to live steadfastly for you, my Lord and my God!

Love, your son,


Karen said...

Happy birthday, Dan! Have a wonderful day!

Margaret said...

you were always wanted and loved. You weren't an accident; you were planned. We just didn't know who you would be or how special you were until you were born. Much love, Mom