Friday, January 16, 2004

Extreme Haiku

Bene Diction, the Official Canuck of this blog, seeks some extreme weather haikus. One way to deal with the arctic temperatures we're facing this winter and the sweltering temperatures in Australia and New Zealand.

Haikus are typically written in a 5-7-5 pattern: 5 syllables for the first line, 7 for the second, and 5 again for the last. Bene D quotes some computer error message haikus from Connexions.

I searched through the archives of my blogs for haikus I'd written, and I found some:

Presidential Haiku is a great blog, containing haikus about U.S. Presidents.

Here are some cold weather Haiku's I just came up with (impromptu):
Welcome to Dayton
"Balmy" 3 degrees outside
Time for a sweater

It's so cold outside
Winter's chill felt in my bones
Makes nose hairs shiver

Winter, you bully
Knocked me down and beat me up
And stole my lunch money
Remember, in the Empire Strikes Back, when Obi-Wan Kenobi appeared to Luke Skywalker as he escaped the Wampa's lair? This one is reminiscent of that scene:
Dagobah system?
Hope it's different than Hoth --
I'm about to freeze

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