Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Golden Silence Around Our Home

It's been kinda quiet around our home for the past few days:

Jennie has had laryngitis since Saturday afternoon. As we were shopping on Sunday afternoon, Keisha remarked that she felt like she was losing her voice.

"I can only hope," I said to Jennie, jokingly.

In order to communicate, Jennie has had to use sign language. When we were driving on Sunday, I couldn't watch her and the road at the same time - contrary to what you might think. We had Keisha, who is hard-of-hearing, interpret so that I could concentrate on the road. It wound up be pretty effective.

Now, as Jennie's voice is returning, she's sounding like Don Vito Corleone from "The Godfather". When she calls, she says stuff like, "I need $600 under the table, or you'll need to get ready for the 24/7 dirt nap."

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