Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy Saint Patrick's Day 2005

St. Patrick's Day also happens to be the beginning of March Madness this year.

If for some unlucky reason you have to be at work today, you may want to surf on over to the official Guinness website. After confirming your age, you can check out the online newspaper, "The Surge and Settle".

It doesn't pass for the real thing, but at least it will tide you over until quitting time. Then you can head over to your favorite pub and grab a pint.

By the way, the local rock station here in Dayton is having a S.P.-Day party, which began early this morning. According to the announcement, there was to be no cover charge until 7 AM this morning.

With all this discussion, I suppose I need to add this, in closing: Please drink responsibly.

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