Monday, November 01, 2004

This Ohio Voter Longs for the End

I am eager for this coming Wednesday, once the election stuff coming our way via radio, TV, and telephone is over.

We must have received close to 10 telephone messages over the weekend related to the upcoming election. Examples:And here is the rest of it.

First Lady Laura Bush
Actress Sarah Jessica Parker, who also happens to be from Cincinnati, Ohio
Volunteer from the Bush campaign
Volunteer from the Kerry campaign
Someone from the local Republican party
Someone from the local Democratic party
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger urging us to vote for Bush
Comedian/Actor Chris Rock, who says that if we decide not to vote, we're crazy, among other things
Yesterday, Sunday, is a day when I'm more apt to answer the phone. I got a call at about 3:30 PM, answered it, and heard the beginning of a recorded message from the Ohio Republican party. I could tell it was a recorded message because it started to skip, like a CD sometimes does. I simply hung up.

I also would like to thank the local campaigns for cleaning up their campaign signs from the roadsides on Wednesday. And I have some beachfront property for sale.

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