Monday, May 20, 2002

Health | Ending Self-Injury

from the Lysamena Project on Self-Injury

Well, folks, I am in need of some baring of the soul here.

Since I was about seven years old, I have engaged in self-injury practices. Specifically, if I've had a cut or scab of some kind, I struggle with just letting it heal. I have trouble resisting the urge to pick at scabs.

I am currently seeking medical help for this and some other mental stuff that I'm dealing with (namely, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder, depression).

I know that what I'm doing to my body isn't normal, and I know that it affects those around me. I get embarrassed by the scabs and scars on my body.

I did a Google Search on self injury and found this web page, about
ending self-injury. It is categorized under Health > Mental Health > Disorders > Impulse Control > Self Injury.

I am glad to be open about this, and I know that I'm not the only one struggling with it. I would love to be free from this habit right now, but I understand that it will take patience, time, and the hand of God. So I urge you to pray for me.


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