Saturday, December 01, 2007

Busy Weekend for Us

We have a busy weekend here at JIMM HQ, aka, the Johnson family. Today Keisha and I are heading to church for a 6-hour dress rehearsal for the Christmas play, which is a week from tomorrow. After that, there's a cast party.

Mom is on her way into town. My cousin Laura is picking her up from the airport, and she'll be staying with them tonight. Jennie works tonight, so on her way home tomorrow morning, she'll pick up Mom from Aunt Pat's.

Mom will come with us to church, where I'm setting up some A/V stuff, play rehearsal, and sax rehearsal. I'm on tap to play a solo during communion.

After that, we're heading over to Julie's house to hang out for some food and family time; also getting memorial stuff together for the funeral on Monday.

The Pod 5 will be recording live Sunday night, and I may or may not show up, for obvious reasons. Jennie works Sunday night, too.

(Picture of Loraine Mitchell, her son Walt Mitchell, and her grandson Ken Mitchell, circa 1970)

The viewing is on Monday from 10-Noon. After that the funeral procession will make its way up, stopping by Walt's house for one last visit at home. He so much wanted to go home so Ken and Julie felt he would appreciate this. Immediately following the graveside, we'll head back to Julie's house.

Early Tuesday morning, I'll take Mom back to the airport.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. I know we all really appreciate it.

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