Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Do Not Call List Struck Down, Here's What You Can Do

I bet many of you were not counting on this news (I know I wasn't):

Just a few days shy of the Oct. 1 effective date for the Do Not Call List, a U.S. District Court Judge in Oklahoma struck down the list on the basis that the Federal Trade Commission lacks congressional authority to develop and maintain it.

Source: Dinner, Interrupted [Motley Fool Take] September 24, 2003
I guess that means that it won't be as quiet come the beginning of next month.

Yet, Jamie Court, of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, in a U.S. Newswire Press Release, has called upon the public "to demand that banks, insurers and telemarketers respect their privacy through existing laws and guerilla tactics." Check out the link for the specifics, and get ready for the ensuing battle.

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