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Wednesday, April 30, 2003
"For with the measure you use..."
Roy has an interesting post from Susanna Cornett about the famous words of Jesus Christ: "Judge not, lest ye be judged." That's from the King James Version of the Bible.
I added the following comments to his post:
I've noticed that people usually just quote the first verse [of Matthew 7]. Jesus continues in verse 2: "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure that you use, it will be measured to you."
So, if I examine mine and others' lives according to what the Scriptures say, since we'll be judged according to that standard (John 12:47-48), there is nothing wrong with judging.
I think it's impossible for people not to make judgements.
Posted by
4/30/2003 10:22:00 AM
In addition to being a really cool word, Jennifer has a lot more consistency than I do in setting and achieving goals, as evidenced by her list of 40 items she wanted to accomplish during the past Lent season. What a great idea!
Posted by
4/30/2003 10:11:00 AM
Tearing Michael Moore a New One
While perusing Rich Hopkins' blog this morning, I noticed the post about the Michael Moore comment at this year's Academy Awards.
Posted by
4/30/2003 09:35:00 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Drought in the Streams of Consciousness
No more. I just posted a couple of items over there:
Posted by
4/29/2003 02:03:00 PM
Monday, April 28, 2003
Bunny Babies
You might say that the Easter bunny left us a couple of his relatives.
This past Friday morning Jennie spotted two baby rabbits in one of the window wells outside our house. (For those that don't know what a window well is, I'll explain. Our basement is below grade, yet we also have some windows to let light in. Outside our home, surrounding these windows is a semi-circular cutout of the ground around the window, with some metal present to retain the soil.) At the time we had wondered if the mother rabbit had placed them there for their safety. Jennie called the local Humane Society and the Natural History Museum for some advice. The folks at the museum recommended leaving them alone for a few days to see if they get out by themselves. If, after that time, they are still in the window well, we should get them out ourselves.
So, we had friendly wildlife just outside our home this weekend. Tonight I went to see how they were doing and to get them out of the window well. Alas, one of the rabbits had died. I purloined my daughter's butterfly net and pulled both of them out. The dead rabbit I threw into our garbage can, to be taken to the landfill with our other trash tomorrow morning. The live one I placed in our yard at about five feet away from the window well.
About an hour later, I went back outside to check on the little guy. He was gone.
Posted by
4/28/2003 01:05:00 AM
Blogging Ecosystem Update
In the blogging ecosystem, various blogs are ranked according to the number of other blogs that link back to them. I just checked and have noticed the following:
- Journey Inside My Mind (currently number 1059), QuotesBlog (currently number 1106), and Streams of Consciousness (currently number 1163) have evolved into a Slimy Molluscs, whereas
- Letters to God (currently 1226) and Get That Job! (currently 1227) are now Lowly Insects
*Salt is deadly to slugs and other slimy molluscs. It dissolves them. Not a pretty sight. thx!
Posted by
4/28/2003 12:21:00 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2003
The Official Iowan
... turned 41 today, April 27, 2003! Happy Birthday, Mark C. Morris!
Posted by
4/27/2003 11:48:00 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2003
Go, Dog. Go!
This afternoon Jennie, Keisha, and I went to the Victoria Theatre in Dayton, Ohio to see a stage adaptation of P.D. Eastman's Go, Dog. Go!. We had received tickets through the Community Services for the Deaf.
We had a good time.
Posted by
4/26/2003 09:41:00 PM
It's Scary Down There!
One thing I am definitely afraid of, to the point where I dread having to deal with it myself -- so much so that I shudder -- is looking for something in my wife's purse. It's like a black hole down there! There have been some times that I have mistakenly, and with immediate regret, forgotten this and have gone searching for something inside there. Usually I've been looking for something, and my wife tells me that it's in her purse.
How badly I want whatever it is that I'm looking for is in direct proportion to the level of effort I take in looking inside my wife's purse. And the extent.
For example, I remember dumping my wife's purse out when somebody came to our house to get their car keys back. Jennie was not happy about that. As if there was some sort of order to it anyway! (just kidding, honey!)
Tonight when she was going through her purse she found a vital part to Keisha's FM system: the receivers, which attach to her hearing aids. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'll provide a brief explanation. By wearing hearing aids, Keisha gets amplified sounds, targeted to the specific type of hearing loss she has. With this setup, however, she hears not only sounds she wants to hear, but also other environmental sounds as well. Have you ever hooked up headphones to a tape recorder and listened while you record? You hear not only what you're trying to record, but the sound of the refrigerator, feet squeaking on the floor, and so on.
The FM system provides a way for Keisha to hear sounds specifically targeted to her. When we wear it, and she has the receivers on her hearing aids, she can hear us better over the other sounds.
It's been months since we've used the FM system, and I'm glad Jennie was the one to go through her purse to find them.
Now, if we can only find my keys.
Posted by
4/26/2003 09:25:00 PM
Friday, April 25, 2003
Hypertrophic Cardiopathy
Hypertrophic Cardiopathy is a disease that runs in my family. I just posted about it on Mom's blog: Me, Myself, and I. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Posted by
4/25/2003 12:27:00 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Are you mental?
An article on MSN Health points to a new study states that the highest educated workers have the poorest mental health. I have a Bachelors degree, and I AM Mental, as anyone who's read this blog consistently can attest. That's why you're reading it, aren't you? To take a Journey Inside My Mind.
Posted by
4/23/2003 10:58:00 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Blogger New
There you have it. New stuff going on with Blogger. Thanks to Bene Diction for the link.
Posted by
4/22/2003 10:56:00 PM
Her First Lost Tooth
While getting ready for a morning bath, Keisha noticed that her front right tooth, which had been really loose lately, came out last night while she slept. She was so excited! This tooth is the first one she's lost.
Apparently it got mixed up in her bed clothes. We'll have to look for it.
We told her that the Tooth Fairy will make a visit tonight as she sleeps. Now she can't wait to show all her friends.
Posted by
4/22/2003 09:52:00 AM
Monday, April 21, 2003
Target of Your Choosing
In the past I have most often forced links you click in here to open in a new window. I have realized that this may have been annoying to some. So, in an effort to provide you with more freedom, gentle readers, please take note of the checkbox in the upper left hand section of this blog. Check this box to have links you click open in a new window. Leave it unchecked to have them open in this window. Keep in mind that, if you choose the latter, you will most often navigate away from this blog.
This policy will be in effect for links on my blogrolls and for links added to new posts.
Let me know what you think!
Posted by
4/21/2003 09:40:00 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2003
He Wants to Know
Bene Diction reminds me of this quote: "'But what about you?' he asked. 'Who do you say I am?'" - Jesus Christ
I'm reproducing my comments here:
Ooh... what a good post! It reminds me of a song we sometimes sing in church, called "Jesus is my Best Friend." It goes like this:My best friendFor subsequent verses, substitute something else for "my best friend." Finally, end the song with doing the verse with "my best friend" again.
Jesus is my best friend (repeat)
I am not alone (repeat)
My best friend
Jesus is my best friend (repeat)
I am not alone
Posted by
4/20/2003 09:32:00 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2003
This ride may be a little bumpy
Attention! Residents of Little Rock, Arkansas! Be on the lookout for "a 40-foot-long replica of the human colon winding its way through" your city!
"We're trying to educate as many people as we can so nobody has to go through what we had to go through," said Bernie Sherwood, organizer of the "Colossal Colon" exhibit, which is part of the National Cancer Education Tour. Bernie's daughter, Amanda Sherwood Roberts, died of colon cancer last year. The exhibit was created in her honor.
"The 'Colossal Colon' is designed for children and adults to crawl through, and allows visitors to see different stages of the disease, from polyps to full-blown cancer."
Posted by
4/19/2003 03:53:00 PM
Administrative Assistants Day is Coming
Formerly known as Secretary's Day. If you're wondering what to get that special administrative assistant, and you are looking for something extra special, you might want to drop by this place for an idea.
Now the automakers in Detroit and around the world need to figure out that a car made of this design would not be stolen. Or broken into for that matter.
Posted by
4/19/2003 01:11:00 AM
It May Be The Cowboy In Me
The urge to run
the restlessness
The heart of stone
I sometimes get
The face that's in the mirror
When I don't like what I see
I guess that's just the cowboy in me.
-- from "The Cowboy In Me", recorded by Tim McGraw
I bring this up because, as I look at the templates for my blogs, I'm beginning to feel restless. I'm at the point in my blog history where I'm feeling the need to update my blog templates. Throughout its 15-month history, this blog has undergone many template revisions. I'm just thinking that it may be time to put a "fresh coat of paint" on this one and the others as well. Well, except for the ones that are the most recent. By the way, when was the last time you checked them out? Here they are, with a brief description as to what they are about:
- Journey Inside My Mind: You're reading it right now -- but you knew that already.
- QuotesBlog: growing wiser on the wisdome (and stupidity) of others - a quotation junkie's collection
- Letters to God: personal, albeit one-sided communication between me and God.
- Streams of Consciousness: fun stuff emanating from my brain and heart
- Get That Job!: job hunting and career development resource
- Class of 1988 Reunion Information: Mt. Healthy High School Class of 1988 Reunion Information
- Me, Myself, and I: okay not mine, but my mom's - check it out and let her know you stopped by!
Posted by
4/19/2003 12:30:00 AM
Friday, April 18, 2003
Friday 5 - Celebrities
This is my first time doing this, so bear with me. I'll try to "shoot from the hip" as I answer these. (Examines questions.) Oh crud. I guess I'll have to think about the answers after all. Shall we?
1. Who is your favorite celebrity?
I don't have one.
2. Who is your least favorite?
Any of the myriad nitwit Hollywood-types who have demonstrated their idiocy and anti-Americanism.
3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrites in real life?
I met Nick Clooney, George Clooney's dad, over 20 years ago. At the time he was an anchorman for a local Cincinnati television station. I also met Kent Voss, who at one time hosted the late-afternoon talk show on News-Talk 1290 WHIO here in Dayton.
4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?
I am famous. Just ask my daughter.
5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?
David Letterman. I think I'd just love to guest-host his show.
Posted by
4/18/2003 06:01:00 PM
Easter Cookies
You will want to print this out to teach your kids the true meaning of Easter tomorrow and Saturday. Actually a more printable version of the recipe can be found at
Posted by
4/18/2003 05:14:00 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
More on my Birthday
The medical term is "emesis." But many just call it throwing up. Yep, after eating seafood tonight, I was rudely reminded that it doesn't agree with me. I may be allergic to it somehow. And then there's that other medical phrase: "bowel motility." I think I've said enough for now.
Posted by
4/16/2003 11:50:00 PM
DVD Easter Eggs
There are "Easter Eggs" in DVDs, too.
Posted by
4/16/2003 09:48:00 AM
Web Site Easter Eggs
"For many years, programmers have hidden secrets in software. Called Easter Eggs, these hidden treats were usually a special credit screen immortalizing the software developers, a small animation, or perhaps a little game. The name comes from the idea that you have to hunt for them, like a traditional Easter egg hunt.
"Did you know Google can be translated into Elmer Fudd-speak? That Ask Jeeves has a sense of humor? Or that you can find dancing mice if you look in the right place? Here are the secrets to finding Easter Eggs on popular web sites." Read more...
Posted by
4/16/2003 09:45:00 AM
On This Day I Complete My 33rd Year
I'm reminded of a poem by Lord Byron entitled "On This Day I Complete My 36th Year." I remember that he was quite morose, as though he thought he was nearing the end of his life. I don't feel like that at all. I remember joking with my high school English teacher, in whose class we read this poem, because she turned 36 that year as well.
Anyhow, I'd like to thank God Almighty for creating me. My parents, Daniel Sr. and Margaret, for producing me. I'd like to thank my brothers and sisters, step-brothers and step-sisters, step-parents past and present. I'd like to thank friends and family for all their contributions to my life. I am happy to be alive! Whoo Hoo!
Posted by
4/16/2003 09:08:00 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Stranger -- Strange, Indeed
I just spoke with someone representing this company who came to our property to anonymously (covertly?) get information about our house. I spotted this individual in a car that was stopped across the street from our house. We live in a cul de sac, so it's pretty easy to spot strangers in the area.
Sensitive as I've been ever since we had our car and house burglarized, I approached this individual. This individual was hired to collect some information about a house on our street. "Which one?" I asked. This person pointed to our house, a bit reluctantly.
"All I can say is that I'm collecting some information that will ultimately be given to someone with whom you're related to financially," this individual said.
"What kind of information?" I asked.
"Just an updated picture, among other things."
"To verify that the property is being occupied, for example," I added.
I took the dog for a walk, as this individual drove to the end of our cul de sac, turned around, parked for a little while, and then began to head out. I approached the vehicle and asked this individual, "How does someone get a job like yours? Seriously. I'm unemployed and looking for work."
"Well, I don't know. I'm doing this leg work for my parents. I don't know if you have to be a realtor or something like that. Maybe you could check out the website. I don't have it here with me," this individual replied.
"Yes, you do," I corrected. "It's on the paper you're working from." This individual didn't notice that I'd examined his paper from before, I guess. The individual showed me the sheet, and that is how I got the domain name.
"Yeah," the individual said, "I guess you could check things out there."
"Will do," I answered.
Posted by
4/15/2003 05:47:00 PM
Getting Closer
We are - dare I say - moments away from filing our federal income tax return. First, we need to kill some trees by printing it all out. Update: Holy Cow! That's more than 15 pages!! 8-O
Posted by
4/15/2003 03:24:00 PM
April 15th
It's the day before my birthday, but I'm not very excited. Yet. That's because I'm doing our taxes, which are due by midnight tonight. I couldn't pass up the trip to the downtown post office, I suppose. That, or I'm just a procrastinator. I recognize that procrastination is something I need to work on in my character, but I think I'll work on it some other time.
I just read that Dave Barry almost waited to the last moment, too.
Hence, don't expect much blogging activity today. Read through previous days' posts, or, if you live in Ohio, specifically the southwestern part, go outside and enjoy the nice weather today.
By the way, we should change Election Day to today. I wonder how many people would still be in office. Like Tom "Puff" Daschle, for example.
Posted by
4/15/2003 08:49:00 AM
Monday, April 14, 2003
Hotmail No More
I, like Mike, have become fed up with Hotmail. I'd go away for a day or so and end up with over 10 spam messages. This with the Junk Mail protection enabled! I've also noticed that today the commenting system is down. If you have a comment, then email me at danimal0416 at yahoo dot com. Unless you state otherwise, I'll assume you feel comfortable with me posting them here.
Posted by
4/14/2003 10:00:00 PM
The folks at offer a free, 10-week course on Beginning XHTML. The only cost to you is your time.
Posted by
4/14/2003 09:37:00 PM
TurboTax Updates
You can get updates to your TurboTax program by going to If you don't have an Internet connection, call 1-800-624-8384 to have a federal update mailed to you. Call 1-800-624-8413 for state updates.
But then again, if you don't have an Internet connection, then you're not reading this message, are you?
Posted by
4/14/2003 12:01:00 PM
Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
The mouse is good for some tasks, but, being a programmer, I much often prefer using the keyboard to perform these tasks. I found the following keyboard tasks from an email I got from HP some time ago. So here they are!
F1 Help
F2 Rename an item
F3 Open Find All Files dialog
ALT + F4Close the current window, or quit the current program
F5 Refresh Screen
ALT + F6 Switch between multiple windows in the same program
F10 Activate the menu bar in a program
SHIFT + F10 Open a context menu, the same as right-clicking an object
CTRL + ESC Open Start Menu, use the arrow keys to select an item, or TAB to select the taskbar
ALT + TAB Returns to previous program, or hold down the ALT key while repeatedly pressing TAB to cycle through open programs
SHIFT + DELETE Delete items permanently
CTRL + ENTER or CTRL + double-click Display properties of an item
ALT + SPACE Display current window’s System menu, and use the arrow keys to move, restore, resize, minimize, maximize or close the window.
CTRL + A Highlight all items in window
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + X Cut
CTRL + V Paste
CTRL + Z Undo
SHIFT Hold down when inserting a CD-ROM to disable the auto-play feature
Some commands work in combination with the mouse:
CTRL + drag Copy file
CTRL + SHIFT + drag Create a shortcut for a file
Dialog boxes have some special keyboard shortcuts:
Tab Move to the next control in the dialog box
SHIFT + TAB Move to the previous control in the dialog box
SPACEBAR If the selected control is a button, then it clicks the button. If it is a checkbox, it toggles the check box. If it is an option button, this selects the option button.
ENTER Equals clicking the selected button.
ESC Equals clicking the Cancel button.
Individual applications may contain additional keyboard shortcuts, such as those web browser shortcuts, which will work with both Internet Explorer and Netscape.
HOME Jumps to the beginning of the page
END Jumps to the end of the page
ESC Stops the current page from loading
F11 Toggles full screen view
ALT + Left Arrow Goes back to the previous page
ALT + Right Arrow Goes forward to the next page
ALT + Home Goes to your homepage
CTRL + N Opens a new browser window
CTRL + W Closes the active window
CTRL + O Opens the address box
CTRL + R Reloads the current page
CTRL + B Opens the Organize Favorites or Bookmarks window
CTRL + D Adds the current page to your Favorites or Bookmarks
CTRL + H Opens the history folder
CTRL + F Finds text on the current page
Posted by
4/14/2003 11:37:00 AM
Growing Wiser on the Wisdom (or Stupidity) of Others
I just want to remind readers of QuotesBlog of the disclaimer:
This blog contains wise and stupid words others have said. You get to choose which is which. GOOD LUCK!"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." -- Mark Twain
Many of the quotes I've added today come , via Hollywood Idiots -- Exposing Celebrity Idiots and Anti-Americans. Thanks to Kate for the link.
Posted by
4/14/2003 10:19:00 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2003
Googling "yellow green drainage nose dog"
That's Funny!
Someone got to this blog by Googling "yellow green drainage nose dog". I hope you found what you were looking for! :D Update: My wife says I should start asking people for money when they find this kind of information. I'm the first on the list of the search results. It turns out that it points to this post entitled "When Should Your Child Stay Home?"
Posted by
4/13/2003 11:16:00 PM
Constitutional amendment repealing the twenty second amendment
What do you think about this?
Posted by
4/13/2003 10:48:00 PM
Medicine Question
This question comes from my wife Jennie. She wants to know:
- What happens if you take two expired (exp. date March 2000) aspirins that have been kept in a closed, cool area, as part of a first aid kit? Will my husband have to administer first aid to me? Shall I begin the journey to the ER (Emergency Room) now?
Posted by
4/13/2003 10:30:00 PM
Journey Inside The Mind, continued
Mark C. Morris, also known as the Official Iowan of 'Journey Inside My Mind', reports on a psychologist who says he can cure depression in a day.
Posted by
4/13/2003 07:40:00 PM
Email Obfuscator
Obfuscate sounds like it should be a bad word, but it isn't. Unless you're a spammer, of course.
Check out MeanDean's Anti-Spam E-Mail Obfuscator.
Posted by
4/13/2003 03:34:00 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2003
Journey Inside The Mind
Bene Diction writes a little bit about understanding the biochemical aspects of addiction, specifically the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Posted by
4/12/2003 07:04:00 PM
Friday, April 11, 2003
That's What Happens When It's Spring!
This afternoon I noticed that the tulips we never planted are popping up in various parts of our yard, and they are in bloom. In the morning the sun shines on the front of our house, and I noticed that the bulbs have bent to face the sun. In the afternoon, the sun shines mostly in the backyard, and the bulbs back there have bent toward the sun.
Keisha and I, after picking up Jennie from her last day of Nurse's Aide training, took our dog Jake to a local park to play. We spent time on the swings, kicking a ball around on the tennis court, going down the slide. My favorite part of it was when she was chasing me around the playground.
After we walked home, I started up the grill, since Jennie was getting some chicken ready. While waiting for dinner to get ready, I brought out the lawn mower and cut the grass in the front and backyard for the first time this year, getting my new white gym shoes green around the bottom. I then noticed that the flowers had closed back up for the evening. I bet they'll open up tomorrow when the sun shines again.
Posted by
4/11/2003 09:40:00 PM
The Ageless Project - April Birthdays
We're sending the message that the personal, creative side of the web is diverse and ageless and if each of you personal, non-commercial website builders out there will openly share your date of birth with us, we'll be on our way to proving it!Check it out, folks! 122 bloggers with April birthdays! Kid Jacque, Taryn, and I share the same birthday. Do you know what it is?
Posted by
4/11/2003 08:49:00 PM
A Proud Husband
(Fanfare, crowd roars, and you hear this over the loud speaker:)
Congratulations to my wonderful wife Jennie, who just completed her certification for the Nurse's Aide program! I pray that she can get hired and that the company who hires her will pay for the state exam. Once she passes that exam, she will be a State-Tested Nurse's Aide (STNA).
Posted by
4/11/2003 01:26:00 PM
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Garage Door Battle
I had to go to battle with our garage door opener this evening. Something had happened to it, and it wasn't behaving properly. So, after dinner, I climbed onto our car and noticed that a vital wire was torn apart. So I put the wire back together and retested the mechanism. After a few bouts of trial and error, I had fixed it. I also noticed that the garage door opener had room for light bulbs, so I installed them.
I win.
Posted by
4/09/2003 09:38:00 PM
Seasonal Fruit - JOKE ALERT!
Q: What is yellow, has long ears, and grows on trees?
A: The Easter Banana.
Found as a Joke of the Day on Dogpile
Posted by
4/09/2003 06:20:00 PM
Iraqi Liberation
originally, accidentally posted to QuotesBlog at 10:52 AM Eastern Time
This morning, Mom has been giving me updates on what's going on in the news. I finally decided to turn on ABC myself. They just pulled down a statue of him in Baghdad.
Posted by
4/09/2003 05:52:00 PM
A Brief Retrospective
On New Year's Eve 2002 I posted a Blog Year in Review. It's been awhile since I went back through the archives, and, now that March has been gone for a little while, I thought it would be a good idea to rehash the first quarter of this year. So here goes, chock full of permalinks:
- JANUARY:Happy New Year. QuotesBlog is Fresh. Tom Daschle must go. Happy Birthday to My Blog. Broken Things. "Fri-Daze" on my mind. Keisha's Lexicon. Comments controversy. MLK Day and the Justifiable Use of Force. Shivering. Listening to my radio station. I want to fire my bank. Customer No-service from the public school transportation department. Hailie's back. "D.A.N.I.M.A.L." Subpoena Duces Tecum.
- FEBRUARY:Feeling poorly. Visiting my past. 2/3/2003: the day the world went away. Alias jumping the shark? Better than chocolate. 'Pooh' in the courtroom. I've been sorted. The 'Sinus Crud'. Blogging the past. Get off the 'Mooch List'! Get ready to 'Bloogle'. Happy President's Day! Living in a winter wasteland. Dan Johnson caches in! My 'Inner Veggie'. Franco-American relations. Peek into our financial picture. Steel beach BBQ. RIP Fred Rogers. Open mouth, insert crow.
- MARCH:Computerfest™. Leave it to the dog. A bit of light reading. Spring is coming. McDonald's problem and solution. Yahoo! Messenger. Organizing a class reunion. Brought to you by the letter 'Q'. Squoosh a terrorist. Music in my mind. _monk: the comic strip. Powerless to powerful. Hailie's back. I want to fire my ISP. A dream of apocolyptic proportions. Keisha lost more hearing.
Posted by
4/09/2003 01:33:00 PM
Pay the Man
We just got a visit from a representative from our local energy delivery supplier:
He was authorized to shut off our service unless we gave him a certain amount of money. So, after bloodletting a check, he went on his way. I hope the check clears.
I was just thinking... I don't think I have good enough credit to get a PayPal account, so I guess I can't solicit donations that way.
Posted by
4/09/2003 11:48:00 AM
A Real Property Place
How about that!
My uncle, Tom Mitchell, has a website for his company. I just got the URL: If you live near the Pensacola, Florida area, check him out!
Posted by
4/09/2003 10:58:00 AM
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
License and Registration, Please
- Do You Have Any Money?
- Naked Barbies!!
- Getting E-checked
- At the BMV with Barbie
- No Glasses, Just for Fun
- Do You Need My License For That?
On Saturday, Keisha and I took Jennie to her English class at Sinclair Community College. After that, we took a drive to the Ohio E-check station. As we were pulling in, I noticed the fee was $19.50 and looked at Keisha, who is almost six years old, and remarked, "Hey, I don't have any money? Do YOU have any money?" :D
Naked Barbies!!
So, we drove home to get the checkbook. Keisha had to get her Barbie dolls. As we reconvened our journey, I glanced at Keisha and noticed that her dolls were naked. "Hey, Keisha! Your dolls don't have any clothes on!"
"I have them right here," she replied, reaching into her coat pocket. Later as we returned to the Ohio E-check station, I looked over at her, and she showed me that all the dolls now had their clothes on. Which was a good thing.
Getting E-checked
I explained, in my best 5-year old language that I could, what the folks at the E-check station were going to do. Then we got to watch. Fortunately, our 1997 Honda Civic passed the emissions test, and, after bloodletting the $19.50 we took our certificate and headed for the Bureau of Motor Vehicles(BMV) so that I could get my driver's license and our car's registration renewed. (In Ohio, you have to get these things done by your birthday. Mine is April 16th. Some of you may have already figured that out from my username.)
At the BMV with Barbie
I told Keisha that I was going to get my picture taken and that we were going to get a sticker for our car. She thought that was going to be cool. We walked inside and pulled a number from the "Take a Number" machine (for lack of a better description). I asked Keisha to confirm the number: "B09."
We sat down on one of the benches and waited, as the employees of the BMV called out numbers. "Daddy, wanna play Barbies?" Keisha asked.
"No, sweetheart, I don't. Thank you, though. You really should bring the Ken doll if you want me to play," I replied. Keisha played by herself and looked around. She saw an obese man across the room and told me about it.
"That man has a big belly, Daddy," she said.
"Yeah, well, people come in all sizes and types, sweetheart," I said. "Some people are big; others are little. Some people are young, and others are old."
"Like those people," she said looking across the aisle from us at the gray-haired couple.
"Yes, like those people," I said.
No Glasses, Just for Fun
Finally, someone from the BMV called out, "Number 9!" I got up and went to the counter, handing over my driver's license and registration info. "We need to do an eye exam, and we'll need you to remove your glasses first."
"But I can't see anything without them," I protested.
"Let's try it without them first, and then we'll try it with them on," the lady said. After asking me to read a certain line, I told her that all I saw was a blur. So she let me use my glasses. I passed the eye exam and went on to get my picture taken. Next to the place where you sit are some comic strips about getting your driver's license picture taken and a mirror. I sat down and smiled. She took my picture.
Do You Need My License For That?
Moments later, after I had certified that I have insurance and no medical condition that would keep me from piloting the space shuttle, it was time to pay the fee. I made out a check to "State of Ohio BMV" for $50 (:-O more bloodletting). I then asked the lady if she'd need to see my driver's license, since I was writing a check. "No, we know how to find you if there's a problem," the lady said in a slightly sinister voice. Comforting. Indeed.
After telling Keisha that she couldn't get her picture taken and to stay away from the eye exam machine, the lady handed me my new driver's license and registration information. Keisha and I walked back to the car, and I affixed the new sticker to our license plate.
All this done 11 days early! That's different for me. Now... where is that tax information?
Posted by
4/08/2003 03:01:00 PM
Monday, April 07, 2003
Yahoo Searches for Lost Glory | Yahoo! Searches For Lost Glory
"NEW YORK - They both have silly names, were started by Stanford University graduate students and have become partners, but there is apparently some unease in the relationship between Yahoo! and Google--so Yahoo!, whose history dates back to 1994, is redesigning its search engine in a bid to compete with Google, the reigning king of searches that began in 1998."
What say you on this? I tend to think that more competition will mean better service.
Posted by
4/07/2003 06:24:00 PM
Another Email from the Gulf...
I've received another email from a good friend serving not only in the US Navy in Operation Iraqi Freedom, but also most importantly God Almighty. He writes:
Hey, Hey!!
How is everything for you back there? Things were a little rough for me the past couple weeks but I'm praying and working through it. There have been a lot of rumors going around as to when we might come home. During the Captain's inspection of our department she was asked to clarify the rumor for us. She did not give us a date but did tell us which rumor was closest. Sorry, I'm not at liberty to mention even that right now.
We still have not seen port yet. That is frustrating. We thought we were going to very soon but that too looks like it won't happen for us. Yesterday most of of ship had a day off. There was a volleyball tournament in the hanger bay. It would have been a safe place had they not left the hanger bay doors open. We heard "Willlsonnn!!!" (from Tom Hank's movie Cast Away) called out over the ship's intercom (we call it the 1MC) as we watched the volleyball go sailing through the hanger bay doors. Alas the SAR (Search And Resue) Swimmers were unavailable for the rescue. I hope that's not the case if we lose one of us ;) Maybe the ball will make it ashore and some kids will be able to enjoy it.
About your prayer for the war. I do not claim to know the heart of God or his mind, but this is my view on the war so far. I know many of you have been praying for a swift victory and few casualties. As in the days of the Old Testament, when God threw our enemies into confusion, he has seemed to protect us again. Yes we have had casualties but they have been very few compared to what could have been. We are finding Iraqi armor completely abandoned. We have literally captured groups of soldiers as they sleep (in the day time) and we took the Bagdad airport by surprise and with little resistance.
Even the Iraqi casualties, though large, could be even greater than they are. Through all of this many of their civilians have expressed great gratitude upon our arrival. The Iraqis do want liberation. They will probably want to hold on to their muslim beliefs but this liberation and freedom will make it easier for disciples [of Jesus Christ] to go in. This appears to be a ripe time for God to harvest. I'm just trying to offer some perspective on my view of the war. I hope this helps to build your faith in your prayers for the outcome of this.
Remember, as much you think about us over here, we are thinking about you back home :)
YBiC [Your Brother in Christ],
Posted by
4/07/2003 11:00:00 AM
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Speaking of Babelfish...
... I've added a utility by which you can translate this page. Thanks to all the international visitors for stopping by!
Posted by
4/06/2003 10:43:00 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2003
New Suspected SARS Cases Found In Ohio
Yahoo! News: New Suspected SARS Cases Found In Ohio
"The Ohio Department of Health announced today that it has identified two suspected cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome. The patients, who are siblings, are an 8-month-old boy and an 11-month-old girl from Lucas County.
"One of the patients recently traveled to an area that was infected by SARS and passed it to the sibling shortly after. They are now both recovering at home.
"Three suspected cases have now been identified in Ohio, including a 39-year-old Shelby County man who continues to recover at home. The Lucas County cases are not related, according to the ODH."
2005 Update: removed reference to an obsolete Yahoo! link
Posted by
4/05/2003 04:10:00 PM
Thursday, April 03, 2003
Ask Jeeves' Second Wind
"Ask Jeeves, which has been on a tear since late last year, may be entering a new upswing."
Posted by
4/03/2003 04:20:00 PM
When to Turn the TV Off
It's important to keep up with what's going on in the news. But when is it time to turn the TV off? With all the stuff going on in the world lately, this article from WebMD is a good read.
Posted by
4/03/2003 04:12:00 PM
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
This blog's popularity
I am a little astounded at this blog's popularity. There were 1000 visits here last month! Someday, when folks ask me what the catalyst for my fame was, I'll have to tell them it's really because of this.
Posted by
4/02/2003 09:48:00 PM
God's Graciousness
A sweet reminder from Jim Borgman of God's graciousness to us.
Posted by
4/02/2003 09:25:00 PM
50 Ways to Become a Better Reader
I picked up this list at either my daughter's school or the library; I can't remember which:
- Mute the television and read the closed caption messages.
- Start a magazine subscription for a child.
- Engage in reading games in the car.
- Enjoy word games.
- Read about current events.
- Read highway signs.
- Read and discuss recipes while cooking.
- Read shopping labels.
- Share oral book reports.
- Track various state license plates when traveling in the car.
- Keep a grocery list.
- Watch Reading Rainbows.
- Make words and sentences with magnetic letters.
- Read directions for assembling items (toys, home appliances, etc.).
- Read books together.
- Do a scavenger hunt.
- Enjoy computer games/programs.
- Read the newspaper.
- Identify a "word of the week."
- Read as you eat.
- Have recipes read by kids.
- Practice spelling words.
- Read with a partner.
- Write poetry.
- Listen to audiotape books.
- Read books on CD-ROM.
- Read your horoscope.
- Visit the library often.
- Read 30 minutes daily.
- Join a book club.
- Do crossword puzzles.
- Read billboards, street signs, etc.
- Read maps.
- Write letters.
- Send e-mail messages.
- Model good reading habits.
- Read daily with your child.
- Let children read their choice of materials.
- Monitor TV time.
- Establish a time when the entire family pauses to read.
- Record books on audiotape.
- Play Scrabble™ often.
- Insert your child's name in the story.
- Retell a book or story.
- Dress up like your favorite storybook character.
- Make a cookbook with your favorite recipes.
- Learn a new language.
- Expand your vocabulary by learning a new word each week.
- Keep reading materials in convenient places.
- Read, read, read!
Posted by
4/02/2003 08:23:00 PM
Whoo Hoo!
Keisha had perfect attendance all last week!
Posted by
4/02/2003 08:22:00 PM
Bedtime Routines
Preschoolers need 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Adequate sleep may increase learning ability, decrease accidents and improve behavior. Many distractions frequently cause bedtime to become a nightly battle. TV, video games, unfinished homework, etc., all interfere with bedtime.
Establishing a bedtime routine that is used nightly including weekends and holidays is helpful. Some tips from the National Institute of Health include
- Set a regular bedtime AND stick to it
- Establish a relaxing routine, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath
- Make after-dinner playtime relaxing
- Avoid eating a big meal close to bedtime, but do include a healthy snack before toothbrushing, especially if dinner is early
- A dark room is best but your child may do better with a soft nightlight
- The bedroom temperature should be at a comfortable level
Posted by
4/02/2003 08:22:00 PM
I've converted my Mom. She's entitled her new blog, Me, Myself, and I. Stop by and check it out. She's still getting started, and I'm going to help her tweak her template, get some comments, and some other fun stuff. So, stay tuned. For now, leave me comments here about it if you're interested.
Posted by
4/02/2003 03:23:00 PM
Email from Across the Pond
I also got an email from Across the Pond. Carla writes:
I just wish I could do something to help you guys out. I feel so helpless because I feel your pain and want to bring over a casserole or something just to give you some support. I just can't imagine what you're going through. All I can do is pray. I just wish you guys would be able to have a break from these things for a while, in order to get a little bit of R and R and be able to think clearly, because I know what it's like to have no energy at all to make decisions, then it becomes a vicious circle. I pray that you're getting the support from your church family you need, I am praying for you, definitely! Please don't give up, there's got to be a way through this!
HUGS to you and your family...I wish it could be something tangible though :((((((
Your long-distance friend/sister in Christ,
Thanks. :D
Posted by
4/02/2003 10:02:00 AM
Keisha Update, continued
I found a link: And even better, I found some clinics in Ohio.
Also, I got a reply from our evangelist:
Hey Dan,
Sorry to hear about that. I can't imagine how it feels, I know it must be difficult. I would definitely get a second opinion, would this help her out more than a hearing aid? We will definitley be praying for you guys, and if you need anything let us know. I hope through this time, you guys can remember God's sovereignty, and he is there to comfort us (2 Cor 1). I definitley have been encouraged myself by your guys example and your spirit. Again let us know if you need anything.
Posted by
4/02/2003 09:59:00 AM
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Church Polity by Douglas Jacoby
I'd heard this term before, especially in the blogs4God forum, but I wanted to make sure I'd be able to check this story out later.
Posted by
4/01/2003 11:46:00 PM
Cincinnati Church of Christ Online
Our church has been going through a lot of changes lately. There are some articles that have just been added to this website that talk about autonomy, love, and forgiveness.
In Dayton we'd been legally a part of the Cincinnati church, up until last week. I'm posting this information because I think it will be helpful to us as well.
Posted by
4/01/2003 11:35:00 PM
Yahoo! News - Garner, Foley: Splitsville
Jennifer Garner, alias Sydney Bristow of Alias, has separated from her husband, Scott Foley.
2005 Update: removed reference to obsolete Yahoo! link
Posted by
4/01/2003 11:09:00 PM
Hey Yahoo! I'm Dan Johnson!
I just found out that I'm at the top of the list of Dan Johnson's in Yahoo's Search for that name. As Dad would say, "That college education was good for something."
Posted by
4/01/2003 02:01:00 PM
Important Note from Dan Johnson
crossposted to all my blogs
Hello, readers of Journey Inside My Mind! For the past year, this blog has grown in enormous popularity on the Internet, as illustrated by the number of hits. I am proud to inform you that this blog, along with the others that I maintain, have been trademarked! So, look forward to seeing the ™ symbol behind the blog title!
It's great when you can become so well known that something like this is possible.
It's all thanks to you guys, the readers and visitors to this blog.
Dan Johnson
Posted by
4/01/2003 08:55:00 AM